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7.3. – 30.4. 2013



Zdeněk Lhotský (*1956) graduated from the Glassmaker´s vocational school in Světlá nad Sázavou, the Applied Glass Arts High School in Železný Brod and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague (art glass studio, prof. Stanislav Libenský). He is not only a glass artist, but also an innovator (Vitrucell, a unique technology). His art, popular with both private collectors as well as public galleries, captures our attention with its grandeur, authenticity and natural shapes – his masterpieces are archetypes speaking to us about legacy of old civilizations. Glass bridges between us and our inner self.  

“Design = an absolute innovation … “ more in an interview with author here. 


Vitrucell’ s honeycomb scructure allows the interplay of shapes and light to successfully show the contrasting qualities amid the solid and the translucent. Vitrucell represents a new method of glass casting that integrates traditional processes and modern technologies in order to satissfy, not only design and architectural projects, but also artistic proposals, since it complies with all safety parameters and offers a huge range of aesthetic possibilities.