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Did you not have time to visit the exhibition of Čestmír Suška – Light in Sculpture? Don’t despair! The exhibition was extended until September 8, 2021

Čestmír Suška has gone through a number of creative phases during his artistic lifetime. In each case, particular materials were selected for deep exploration, such as wood, clay, steel, stone or glass. At all times Suška adopted a humble approach when working with these raw forms, with a view to finding a workable crossroads between artistry and materials. This yielded a number of sculptures, which, while superficially similar in form, nonetheless manage to reflect different aspects of the artist’s approach to artistry through his use of different material mediums. The Light in Sculpture exhibition offers a remarkable opportunity to see a collection of glass art works by Čestmír Suška that have never before been presented together in such a manner. The exhibition will also offer viewers the opportunity to marvel at how similar forms can have very different aesthetic impacts through the use of different materials.