12.10. – 08.12. 2016
In every field of human creative activity, one needs more than perfect craftsmanship to be an artist rather than a craftsman. Being an artist is not an objective, it is the basis of the activity. This thesis, however, does not apply vice versa – there can be art without craftsmanship. The current Czech glassmaking has remained, by large, dependent on the traditional harmony between the technical and artistic quality. There are very few artists capable of projecting their ideas into glass. The same is true for craftsmen – rarely ever can they raise their premium products from craft to artwork. And only a handful of people are able to combine these two worlds as naturally as Ondřej Strnadel.
Ondřej Strnadel, a native of Valašské Meziříčí, Moravia, likes to subtly deform his objects typical for circular or oval geometrical shapes. Thanks to these deformations, the glass, although already solid, retains the magical allure of its hot liquid soul. It feels that if you turn away just for a second, the object may change its shape. This calm unrest which is the synthesis of the author‘s craftsmanship and artistic imagination, adds personality and attractiveness to Strnadel’s artwork.

Vessel, 2015, hand blown glass, cut with acid – etched surface, Foto: Petr Willert
The blowpipe, the fiery glass furnace and the glowing molten glass mass enchant many, but will share its magic and mystery only with a few. Only those who manage to find a common language, those who can both speak and listen, those can see remarkable things happen. Ondřej Strnadel understands glass and glass understands him. It is a great pleasure to listen to their conversation from close, to watch and listen carefully.
Petr Nový
Head curator, The Museum of Glass and Jewellery, Jablonec nad Nisou
Curator Galerie Kuzebauch