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Anna Jožová (*1996) is a Czech artist and designer who works with glass on the border between free art and design. In 2023 she graduated from the Master’s programme at the Glass Studio under the supervision of Professor Rony Plesl at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Prague. Between 2016 and 2017, she studied in the Ceramic Design Studio under Antonín Tomášek at the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Anna has been studying ceramics and porcelain since her studies at the Václav Hollar Secondary School of Art.

Since 2018 she has presented her work in many collective exhibitions, fairs and art projects, e.g. at the London Design Fair, Venice Design Biennial, Salone del Mobile, etc., but also in a solo show at the Prague gallery Kvalitář. Apart from his own work, he also collaborates with designer Vlastimil Šenkýř, with whom he forms an artistic duo under the name Kombo.