Blue planks, 1976, painted flat glass, wooden frame, 50 x 50 x 7,5cm (photo: Gabriel Urbánek)

Dream, 1993, painted flat glass, 50 x 50 x 7,5 cm (photo: Gabriel Urbánek)

Parabol, 2016, ground, polished and glued flat glass, 35 x 25 x 19 cm (foto: Gabriel Urbánek)

Tower, 2010, grounded, polished and glued flat glass, 40 x 24,5 x 10,5 cm (photo: Ondřej Kocourek)

Miracle, 2003, grounded, polished and glued flat glass, 30 x 34 x 11,5 cm(photo: Gabriel Urbánek)

Red planks, 1976, painted flat glass, wooden frame, 50 x 50 x 7,5 cm (photo: Gabriel Urbánek)