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„Not that there wouldn’t be fun with me, but I’m a mad pessimist. I have doubts about everything. But when I create, I am the happiest person in the world.“


Vladimír Kopecký (*1931) was born in Svojanov, Pardubice region. He graduated from the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Kamenický Šenov and then continued his studies for another year at the SUPŠS in Nový Bor. At the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague he combined painting with glass in the Studio of Monumental Painting and Glass of Josef Kaplický. From 1990-2008 he worked as a teacher at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Prague, where he headed the Glass Studio. Now he lives and works in Prague, Tuklate and Semtěš.

Although his artistic expression is often unrestrained and expressive, he is nevertheless an introvert at heart. Kopecký’s abstract painting compositions, executed on or in glass or using other substrates, often evoke ambiguous lyrical poems that caress and move the soul at the same time. Like the “ugly glass” aesthetic he created for himself, Kopecký’s work is inherently strictly geometric. Whether it is glass compositions, paintings or graphic works, he is able to convincingly evoke the infinity of space, the state of weightlessness, to visualize silence and the passage of time, phenomena that arouse anxiety, melancholy and longing in man on a limited surface. “It’s not that I’m not fun, but I’m a crazy pessimist. I doubt everything. But when I create, I am the happiest person in the world.”