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Opening 26/11/2024, 18:00

Kuzebauch Gallery

27/11/2024 – 31/01/2025

It’s not only about process and form but also about meaning

Eva Eisler’s work is multi-layered, both in terms of artistic disciplines and the forms and meanings it conveys. She navigates seamlessly between design, jewelry, architecture, and fine art, seeing the boundaries between these categories as insignificant—they are all part of one continuous creative process. This perspective is reflected in her exhibition at Kuzebauch Gallery, where sculptural objects are displayed alongside two and three-dimensional drawings, forming a cohesive spatial experience.

Although the form of her objects varies in materiality and visual structure, a set of unifying lines has connected her work from its beginning to the present.

This continuity includes a spectrum of ideological themes and meanings, which surprisingly go unnoticed in most interpretations of her work. Her book Ochočené nekonečno (Taming Infinity) co-authored with Pavla Melková and closely tied to the exhibition, complements this body of work by shedding light on these overlooked dimensions.

Eva Eisler is not only deeply interested in the world around her but also actively cares for it. She observes its qualities, which form the foundation of interpersonal relationships, the results of human actions, and the nature of our physical environment. Some of these qualities she cherishes, while others she finds lacking. As an act of care, she seeks to protect, support, elevate, and nurture the former, while introducing or at least reminding the world of the latter—also through her art.

If we were to draw a line between fine and applied art, we might say that fine art, in this sense, is more a space for caring for the soul, while applied art serves as a space for caring for the physical environment and the human body. The themes in her book cover different forms of care: variability, openness, freedom, connection, communication, generosity, direction, order, balance, timelessness, transcendence, simplicity, support, humanity, and continuity. Some of these themes are presented at Kuzebauch Gallery.

Following the passing of John Eisler on October 17 of this year, Eva decided to dedicate this exhibition to her late husband’s memory. The fact that the themes of the nearly completed book and exhibition seem naturally suited for this dedication is one of life’s mysteries.

Curated by Pavla Melková