28.04. – 24.06. 2016

Muranesi, 2015-2016, layred glass blown into a rotation mould, Photo: Jaroslav Kvíz
The Czech glass is a phenomenon limited solely by human imagination and artists´ skills. Martin Hlubuček is one of the skilled and gifted people capable of taking advantage of this characteristic. An experiment which he had presented at the Valašské Meziříčí Glassmakers´ Symposium in 2014 – sober shapes blown by Ondřej Strnadel into wooden rotation forms, which he himself designed and presented as a study done i preparation for significantly more expensive mould-melted glass art – has become a relevant artistic statement.
Hlubuček´s melted and blown glass art recites a mantra of shape – his objects are unpretentious, minimalistic in their expression, precise in their rhythm and pleasing with their aesthetics. For Hlubuček, shape of the melted glass sculptures happens to be just means to narrate a story of the relationship between a man and the mass, while in the blown objects, shape becomes the goal. Vases of various shapes and proportions with set-off necks and pure oval shaped objects of subtle colours refer to the traditional Italian and Scandinavian glass-making of the 1950´s and 1960´s.
Hlubuček´s objects can be perceived as archetypal shapes which meet peoples´ latent idea of perfection. On top of it, they invite you to combine them and thus enjoy the unique fusion of an abstract artistic value with a trend, which responds to the aesthetics of sober yet sophisticated and intriguely beautiful modern interiors designed to the very finest detail. In his current collection called Muranesi,
Martin Hlubuček expresses his admiration of the place, where European glass making was born. His soft pastel tones and rounded shapes evoke waves of the sparkling sea washing the Venetian shore in a regular rhythm. Hlubuček´s blown rotation shapes are very similar – only seemingly regular and steady.
Petr Nový
Head curator, The Museum of Glass and Jewellery, Jablonec nad Nisou
Curator, Galerie Kuzebauch

Muranesi, 2015 – 2016, layred glass blown into a rotation mould, cut, Photo: Jaroslav Kvíz
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