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26.02. – 24.04. 2016

Lada Semecká studied at the Glass making school in Kamenický Šenov, the Institute of Art in Ústí nad Labem (assistant professor Pavel Mizera) and the Prague’s Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (prof. Vladimír Kopecký), she worked in the engraving shop of Moser, the famous Carlsbad’s glassworks, served as the head of Glass painting workshop at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design and taught at the Toyama City Institute of Glass Art in Japan. Her artistic aesthetics were formed not only by her studies and work experience, but also by meeting people – teachers, colleagues, and students – who inspired her, motivated her, and encouraged her to seek her own approach and artistic expression.



from series of “Flow”, 2015, fused glass, wood, Photo: Štěpánka Stein


Lada Semecká’s art is typical for its boldness, concentration on detail, and emotional depth. Her objects – free-standing as well as hanging – can be perceived as paintings captured in glass. The paintings show the author´s imagination, they tell a true and sincere story of her hopes, dreams, happiness, and fear. They are not aggressively expressive, as some of the artefacts by prof. Vladimír Kopecký may be, but still, I see his introverted “emotional aesthetics”, together with the cultural influence of the Land of the Rising Sun, as the two key sources of inspiration which complement each other, in a very original way, in Lada Semecká’s work.
Nowadays, the Czech Republic takes pride in more than a hundred glass artists of four generations. Many others occasionally reach for glass to express their artistic ideas, too. Despite the variety of styles and artistic expressions, only very few of them are really original and of high artistic value. Lada Semecká belongs to those Czech artists whose talent and diligence has made them a strong and inspiring part of the Czech glass art world.

Petr Nový
Curator of the exhibition


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