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“For every decision we lose something and we gain something to lost it again…”


Interview with Lada Semecká on Material Times

Lady Semecká’s authorial handwriting is characterised by its unpretentiousness, concentration and emotional depth. Whether they are free-standing or hanging objects, they can be perceived as paintings in glass. They are the author’s imagery captured in glass, honest and unedited statements about her hopes, dreams, joys and fears. There is no aggressive expression in them, but an introverted “emotional aesthetic”. This, together with the cultural heritage of Japan, is a source of inspiration, which intertwine in a distinctive way in Lady Semecka’s work. Lada Semecká originally studied glass engraving at the Secondary School of Art and Crafts in Kamenický Šenov. A few years later she used this expertise in the Moser glassworks. She continued her studies at the Institute of Art Culture in Ústí nad Labem in the studio of Pavel Mizera and then in the Glass Studio under Professor Vladimír Kopecký at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Prague. For some, the personal lyricism recedes into the background as the years pass, while for Lady Semecká it gains strength and monumentality. “Reality, as I see it, is a fixed part of the world I perceive. Abstraction is its explanation, order and the question I feel behind the whole mosaic, composed of interrelated phenomena. It is like a big and small world, where even the smallest real element can draw the attention of the whole universe to itself, only to disappear in it again after a while.”