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The first thing that any gallery visitor should know before acquainting themselves with Anna Jožová is that the artist’s works are strongly associated with a deep interest in themes such as man and his environment and the passage of time. Human beings, as well as any other living beings on this planet of ours – indeed also every non-living thing and abstract entity – have their own beginning and end. All of these form part of a chain, or cycle of existence, and inherently form an indelible component of the overall infinitely variegated tapestry of existence. Anna Jožová, with a deep understanding of this phenomenon, has never shied from exploring these themes, returning to them again and again in her works.

Dysplasio (ceramic table and vase set), 2023 – blown metallurgical glass, glass stickers, rolled glass, metal montura, ceramics – photo Petr Dejmek