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17. 05. – 07. 07. 2017

Klára Horáčková’s “Evolution”, ingeniously created from fused glass combined sometimes with glass rods shaped over a burner, evokes the rough, furrowed surface of the earth’s core with its igneous basalt formations. And because the author is a graduate of the Secondary School of Glassmaking in Kamenický Šenov, with its basalt rock formation ‘Panská skála’(Lord’s Cliff), the phrase ‘a return to her roots’ suggests itself. Who knows whether the imprint of majestic Lord’s cliffs which towers above the town, the gateway to hell, paradise or other worlds are not symbolically present in each of her works. Such intuitive memories of the future – because in terms of a single human life nature is eternal.


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Evolution, 2017, melted black glass, Photo: Anna Pleslová


Glass is a material not to be trifled with. It is as unpredictable as a compass needle in a magnetic pole, pointing in all directions and nowhere. Klára Horáčková has managed to keep on track, follow her own path, regardless of whether it is feasible or not. Because she knows well that in her artistic struggle with glass, the only thing she can rely on, are her own instincts. Indeed the essence of evolution does not lie in what’s happening around us but in ourselves.


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Evolution, 2017, melted clear glass, Photo: Anna Pleslová


 Klára Horáčková→

Contemporary Czech glass art is remarkable in terms of its vast array of colours and shades. It can be both traditional and experimental, without compromising the desire for individuality. This form of art is inventive, courageous and full of desire, the basic conditions for true creation – going through a process of constant evolution. This is why Klára Horáčková really could not have chosen a more fitting name for her current collection of objects than this very concept of evolution. It is indeed characteristic both of her artistic approach whereby she refuses to remain anchored in a single creative paradigm within which one cannot but drift. For her, repetition is a circular movement which is not guided by free will, but by slavish routine.

PhDr. Petr Nový

head curator, Museum Glass and Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou

curator Galerie Kuzebauch

