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Klára Horáčková is an artist and designer living and working in Prague. She graduated from the Prague Academy of Fine Arts (2000-2006), Glass Studio under Prof. Vladimír Kopecký. In 2004, she completed an internship at the Sculpture Studio under Prof. Jiří Beránek and the following year at the Finnish Wetterhof School of Art and Design, Häme Polytechnic Hämeenlinna. Between 2008-2013 she was the head of the glass workshop at VŠUP, focusing on glass melting, sintering and painting techniques. Since 2011 she has been working as an assistant professor at the glass studio of Rony Plesl. Since spring 2015 she has been the head of the Transformation in Glass studio at the Prague Institute, NCSU.

In her artistic practice, she often expresses herself through glass in its various forms and using different processing techniques, but she does not limit herself to this material. Her work is diverse. It ranges from small sculptural objects, to design, to large conceptual mobile installations. She has also done projects using new media. Her mirrored objects beckon one to enter the labyrinth of reflections and splinters of one’s own body; to enter is a real experience and requires, in addition to curiosity, the courage to let oneself be “captured”, to feel oneself sink or float in space.