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The artist’s works represent exciting narrative elements that showcase, mirror and communicate the themes resonating in our contemporary society. Michaela Spružinová’s works do this via a distinctive, simplified form and also via a method of shorthand drawing that evidently takes its inspiration from the worlds of pop art and the grotesque.

Materials are adapted with the light touch of a confident master, subordinating them to existing drawing and painting concepts, with adornments and other such aristocratic excesses entirely expunged. The resulting works display an expressive lightness-of-touch and sense of conviction, entirely masking the intensive behind-the-scenes efforts to meticulously craft each individual art object.

The guided tour with the artist will take place on Wednesday 7 February 2024 at 17:00.

Crown Imperial Lilly, 2024 — glass, drawing— 30×15 cm — photo Jiří Dvořák