Galerie Kuzebauch Říčanova 19 Prague 6, 169 00 Czech Republic e. t. +420 233 355 246
IG @galeriekuzebauch, @schaudepotkuzebauch
Galerie Kuzebauch Galerie Kuzebauch
Opening hours Mon – Fri – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Entrance from Bistro & Café Kuzebauch or please ring the bell Happy Materials.) Entrance is free.
How to get there?
Take tram no. 22 or 25 to the stop U Kaštanu, then by foot.
Medial parter portal Kudy z nudy.
This project isimplemented with the financial support of Ministry of Culture, Prague City and the Municipal District Prague 6.