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Kindly accept our invitation to the contemporary art fair Art Prague 2023, which will take place in the newly renovated Clam-Gallas Palace at Husova 20, Staré Město.

The exhibition of Galerie Kuzebauch will present works by artists Ilja Bílek, Josef Divín, Klára Horáčková, Lucie Švitorková, Ondřej Strnadel and Lars Widenfalk.

This traditional art fair will take place from 31 October to 5 November 2023, daily from 10 am to 7 pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

team of Galerie Kuzebauch

Ilja Bílek – Orionid, 2023 – fused glass, polished + glued – 39 x 57 x 10 cm